
Exploring an NBA Player’s Abandoned Mansion | Chicago

This video was a bit rushed due to workers being present.

Asked for permission to explore here as there were workers here for remodeling. Occasionally I had to make awkward turns to avoid them so I didn’t record them.

This now abandoned mansion was Ken Norman’s in Flossmoor, near homewood, south of Chicago. He lost the house due to foreclosure. The property has recently been brought and is now undergoing remodeling.

Ken Norman played basketball at the University of Illinois then played for 10 years in the NBA as a small forward. He played 6 seasons with the Los Angeles Clippers and also played for the Milwaukee Bucks and Atlanta Hawks. In his NBA career he averaged 13.5 points per game, 6 rebounds per game, and 2 assists per game.

– Tom V

#nba #clippers #abandonedmansion

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